Just got a new Tom Waits album, very exciting. Nothing scrapping vocals to back my late nights drawing clan members. Also I've just gotten into the Carolina Chocolate Drops, and all black jug band, I would suggest them.
I'm tearing through chapter 4 so you all can read it in a timely fashion. It's my favorite one so far mainly because it's economy. I'm not trying to juggle multiple stories at once. Also you get to see some characters as they were before Tug got to town. There's a twist on the last page that I'm especially proud of.
Chapter 5 is going to a lot of fun too. I won't say much only that I'm going to change gears a little. I'll be showing you how to "black cat" the boss and it will include the new character in page one and two of chapter 4.
Well that's all for now friends. I've got to strip some layers and get back to work. These days I'm down to a pair of drawers
the comic