man i think i get what the problem with the wagons is, the very first panel doesn't seem to connect with the transcription of the other ones, because the very first panel show us the end of the wagons so i assume that if there is movement it should be advancing on reverse as to show us the rest of the train, so it must be going in this direction <====, but the very next panel show us a white wagon with a "SH"printed on it that appears from nowhere, the third one has the start of a painted skull, and the last one the rest of the wagon, this movement is contrary meaning that the train is moving forward ====>, so it must be 2 different trains and the white one is blocking the view of the previous one, or the previous one has left time ago, nevertheless i cant seem to connect the panels, so other than that with the very 1st panel, it is perfect movement.
their chainsawmanship is most incredible!
this is how I test all my new tools.